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Thursday, June 8, 2000

Version 1.20 was released with a nice new option. If you put -auto as parameter one (OneLine -auto), it will automatically copy from the clipboard, process the file, copy back to the clipboard and then exit.  I find that's what I most use the program for, so this makes it very nice to use.  If you unzipped everything in same directory,  I've made a "Auto OneLine" link that you can just click on.  There's no way to specify  the input/output file. If anyone really wants this, let me know, it's not that hard to do. 


Sunday, May 28,2000

Version 1.10.  This was a minor modification that resulted in a huge performance increase.

Sunday, March. 12,2000

Version 1.02, a minor update, was released.  The only thing changed in this was a performance modification - OneLine will now not display the compressed file until after compressing it.

Monday, Nov. 29,1999

Released a minor update to OneLine.  Additions:

1.  You can now select "Clipboard" to process from the clipboard instead of a file
2.  Once OneLine has run on a file/clipboard, pressing "Save..." will allow you to save the resulting One Line of text in a file
3.  Added some more detail in the Info area

Monday, Nov. 14,1999

Version 1.0 of OneLine is now available.  Go to the download site to get it.   Please send any feedback to

Sunday, Nov. 14,1999

The first version of the web page is up and available.